BLOG [Komagome] Hydrangea One day in June, I visited the former Furukawa Garden and went to Komagome. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from Koma... 2023.06.22 BLOG季節の草花
BLOG [Around Fukuoka on Earth vol.5] Lilies of June Two photos of beautiful lilies arrived from around Fukuoka on the earth.The photo was taken by KENRO, a photographer liv... 2023.06.22 BLOG地球の上の福岡のあたり季節の草花
BLOG Illustration『2023 Rainbow days』 It depicts a fun and gentle world after rain.Monchi seems to enjoy looking at the frogs and hydrangeas under the window.... 2023.06.11 BLOGイラスト季節の草花
BLOG [Around Fukuoka on Earth vol.4] Cosmic flower? Forehead hydrangea Here are some photos of hydrangea and saffronmodoki(Zephyranthes carinata) from Fukuoka. Photographed by KENRO, a photog... 2023.06.07 BLOG
BLOG [Roppongi] PRIMAL BEAT A certain day in June, the sun is strong and you can feel the arrival of summer. Get off at Roppongi Station on the Oedo... 2023.06.04 BLOGパグリックアート
BLOG [Roppongi] Roppongi Hills-Mohri Garden, etc.- One day in June, I felt the arrival of summer as early as a sweaty cheerfulness, and I wanted to walk in the shade of th... 2023.06.04 BLOGパグリックアート公園
BLOG [Setagaya]Unknown Discovered a colorful and cute plant I found a colorful and cute plant on the usual walking path. I asked Siri to look it up, but her name is unknown. I must... 2023.06.02 BLOG季節の草花